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2640 UAH*
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Twinkly is an especially impressive premium string light, controllable by a button on the lights or through the free Twinkly mobile app (available with a Ukrainian interface). Each LED is individually controlled by software, creating beautiful effects. Twinkly offers a range of effects, each of which can be easily and engagingly modified in the app, or completely new ones can be created.
3690 UAH*
in stock
Twinkly is an especially impressive premium string light, controllable by a button on the lights or through the free Twinkly mobile app (available with a Ukrainian interface). Each LED is individually controlled by software, creating beautiful effects. Twinkly offers a range of effects, each of which can be easily and engagingly modified in the app, or completely new ones can be created.
2640 UAH*
in stock
Twinkly is an especially impressive premium string light, controllable by a button on the lights or through the free Twinkly mobile app (available with a Ukrainian interface). Each LED is individually controlled by software, creating beautiful effects. Twinkly offers a range of effects, each of which can be easily and engagingly modified in the app, or completely new ones can be created.
2640 UAH*
in stock
Twinkly is an especially impressive premium string light, controllable by a button on the lights or through the free Twinkly mobile app (available with a Ukrainian interface). Each LED is individually controlled by software, creating beautiful effects. Twinkly offers a range of effects, each of which can be easily and engagingly modified in the app, or completely new ones can be created.
3690 UAH*
in stock
Twinkly is an especially impressive premium string light, controllable by a button on the lights or through the free Twinkly mobile app (available with a Ukrainian interface). Each LED is individually controlled by software, creating beautiful effects. Twinkly offers a range of effects, each of which can be easily and engagingly modified in the app, or completely new ones can be created.
4740 UAH*
in stock
Twinkly is an especially impressive premium string light, controllable by a button on the lights or through the free Twinkly mobile app (available with a Ukrainian interface). Each LED is individually controlled by software, creating beautiful effects. Twinkly offers a range of effects, each of which can be easily and engagingly modified in the app, or completely new ones can be created.
7890 UAH*
in stock
Twinkly is an especially impressive premium string light, controllable by a button on the lights or through the free Twinkly mobile app (available with a Ukrainian interface). Each LED is individually controlled by software, creating beautiful effects. Twinkly offers a range of effects, each of which can be easily and engagingly modified in the app, or completely new ones can be created.
23580 UAH*
in stock
Twinkly is an especially impressive premium string light, controllable by a button on the lights or through the free Twinkly mobile app (available with a Ukrainian interface). Each LED is individually controlled by software, creating beautiful effects. Twinkly offers a range of effects, each of which can be easily and engagingly modified in the app, or completely new ones can be created.
2640 UAH*
in stock
Twinkly is an especially impressive premium string light, controllable by a button on the lights or through the free Twinkly mobile app (available with a Ukrainian interface). Each LED is individually controlled by software, creating beautiful effects. Twinkly offers a range of effects, each of which can be easily and engagingly modified in the app, or completely new ones can be created.
3690 UAH*
in stock
Twinkly is an especially impressive premium string light, controllable by a button on the lights or through the free Twinkly mobile app (available with a Ukrainian interface). Each LED is individually controlled by software, creating beautiful effects. Twinkly offers a range of effects, each of which can be easily and engagingly modified in the app, or completely new ones can be created.
3690 UAH*
in stock
Twinkly is an especially impressive premium string light, controllable by a button on the lights or through the free Twinkly mobile app (available with a Ukrainian interface). Each LED is individually controlled by software, creating beautiful effects. Twinkly offers a range of effects, each of which can be easily and engagingly modified in the app, or completely new ones can be created.
2640 UAH*
in stock
Twinkly is an especially striking premium light decoration, controllable by a button on the lights or through the free Twinkly mobile app (available with a Ukrainian interface). Each LED is individually controlled by software, creating amazing effects. Twinkly offers a set of effects that can be easily and enjoyably modified in the app, or entirely new ones can be created.
3690 UAH*
in stock
Twinkly – a premium decorative lighting system with a striking visual effect, controllable by a button on the string or through the free Twinkly mobile app (available with a Ukrainian interface). Each LED is individually controlled via software, creating beautiful effects. Twinkly offers a set of effects that can be easily and excitingly modified in the mobile app, or entirely new ones can be created.
5280 UAH*
in stock
Twinkly – unique, premium decorative lights that can be controlled both by a button on the string and through the free Twinkly mobile app (available with a Ukrainian interface). Each LED is individually controlled by software, creating mesmerizing effects. Twinkly offers a range of effects, each of which can be easily modified or even created anew in the mobile app.
4650 UAH*
in stock
The kit contains 3 panels to expand the starter kit TWQ064STW-07-BEU. Decorate your living room, bedroom, playroom and create a modern space filled with art. Due to the degree of protection IP20, it is suitable for indoor use only. Easily control your panels with the free Twinkly app (compatible with iOS and Android).
11220 UAH*
in stock
The set contains 6 panels to create the right atmosphere, which you can assemble however you like. Decorate your living room, bedroom, playroom and create a modern space filled with art. Due to the degree of protection IP20, it is suitable for indoor use only. Easily control your panels with the free Twinkly app (compatible with iOS and Android).
11640 UAH*
in stock
The Strings series is one of the family of several types of Twinkly garlands, in which LED bulbs are arranged like on traditional garlands, one after the other, at a distance of 8 cm with a long thread (strings). The Strings garland is best used for wrapping three-dimensional objects or filling in planes and volumes, although it is also suitable for accentuating lines. It is often simply laid on the ground, sand, snow or grass in a chaotic pattern.
4380 UAH*
in stock
Twinkly Festoon Lights is Twinkly's newest LED string lights are designed to create a cozy atmosphere and party decorations. It consists of a set of 20 G45 shaped LED lights, a Wi-Fi/Bluetooth controller and a state-of-the-art smartphone app ready to create stunning animations quickly and easily.
6960 UAH*
in stock
The smart LED strip is easy to use and brings the most advanced technology to decorate your home. Whether you want to decorate the interior, liven up the children’s playroom, decorate a gazebo for summer parties or a romantic dinner, you will create the right atmosphere. Thanks to the IP44 protection rating, it can be used indoors and outdoors. Simply control the lighting with the free Twinkly app (iOS and Android compatible).
4740 UAH*
in stock
Независимо от того, хотите ли вы украсить интерьер, оживить детскую игровую комнату, оформить беседку для летних вечеринок или романтический ужин, вы создадите нужную атмосферу. Благодаря степени защиты IP44 можно использовать внутри и на улице. Просто управляйте освещением с помощью бесплатного приложения Twinkly (совместимость с iOS и Android). RGB – каждый светодиод меняет цвет (16 миллионов цветов) и представляет собой один пиксель, которым вы можете отдельно управлять с помощью приложения.
8610 UAH*
in stock
The name "Curtain" already suggests its potential use as an imitation of curtains or doors. However, the limitless creative possibilities for its application are not limited to just that. Curtain light is created by 210 RGBW LEDs, arranged in 21 pieces on 10 segments with a length of 2.1 m each. The segments are placed on the supporting cable every 15 cm, so in the stretched state the lights will cover an area of 1.45 m (15 cm*9) by 2.1 m (10 cm*21).
1470 UAH*
in stock
Twinkly Line is a modern remotely controlled smart LED lighting for home interior decoration. With this product, it is possible to double the basic length of Twinkly Line up to 3 m and, at the same time, increase the number of lights to 200 pcs. Twinkly Line provides users with the creative ability to create individual lighting throughout the living space, effectively emphasizing interior elements or colorfully announcing their own ideas and accents. This is a premium LED strip, ready to use out of the box, with one hundred RGB LEDs on a strong adhesive backing.
2940 UAH*
in stock
Twinkly Line is a modern remotely controlled smart LED lighting for home interior decoration. Twinkly Line provides users with the creative ability to create individual lighting throughout the living space, effectively emphasizing interior elements or colorfully announcing their own ideas and accents. This is a premium LED strip, ready to use out of the box, with one hundred RGB LEDs on a strong adhesive backing. It is possible to double the length up to 3 m and, at the same time, increase the number of lights to 200 pcs with individual TWL100ADP-B product.
3300 UAH*
in stock
Twinkly Flex is a modern premium remotely controlled smart solution in the form of a 2m long LED flexible circuit with 200 RGB LEDs inside, spreading uniform light thanks to a specially designed circuit design.


New items
New Twinkly solutions are now available in Ukraine! So, it’s time to take a look at the features and benefits of Twinkly products!
Декоративні можливості продукції Twinkly чи не безмежні. Гірлянди доступні різноманітних форм, кольорів і розмірів, що дає змогу втілювати в інтер’єрі неперевершені та найсміливіші дизайнерські рішення.
Нова cерія товарів Twinkly Home Range - Line, Flex та Squares.
Ефективне та економне освітлення – ключовий аспект сучасного життя. Зі зростанням світового споживання енергії, важливо звернути увагу на альтернативні рішення, які споживають менше електроенергії. LED-гірлянди Twinkly не тільки додають...
3 грудня в КВЦ Парковий відбувся Всеукраїнський щорічний архітектурний конкурс «Інтер’єр Року 2021».
This is another kind of use Twinkly solutions for the online-stages decorations during pandemia.
Кожен геймер мріє про ігрову периферію Razer, адже це один із топових світових брендів!
Twinkly is a new generation of LED decorations that are based on three types of LEDs. These LEDs can be individually controlled using a controller that comes with each item or a free mobile application.
У створенні острівця спокою й комфорту допомогу пропонує бренд Twinkly італійської компанії Ledworks, що спеціалізується на виробленні унікальних світлодіодних гірлянд, які подарують світло надії навіть у найтемніші часи.
Перед читанням цієї публікації бажано ознайомитися з інформацією про споживчі товари Twinkly, стаття про які є на сайті ERC. Після цього матеріал про Twinkly PRO сприйматиметься більш цілісно і зрозуміло.
Тим, хто має сумнів або вагається під час ухвалення рішення щодо придбання розумних світлодіодних гірлянд Twinkly, бо це ж, здається, «просто LED-лампочки на дроті, що лише змінюють кольори», рекомендуємо цей матеріал уважно дочитати...
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